Faith Church is proud to partner with Centre Safe
Centre Safe empowers survivors of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking while working toward the elimination of such violence. They offer services that include:
- a 24-hour hotline: Trained counselor/advocates support individuals who have experienced violence and direct them to services
- emergency shelter: Short-term housing for those fleeing abuse/violence, with the goals of providing safety and working toward self-sufficiency
- crisis counseling: Short-term empowerment counseling, information about and referrals to other services, advocacy, and safety planning
- protection orders: Assistance in obtaining civil orders of protection for victims of abuse, sexual violence, or intimidation, including emergency orders
- legal, medical and ongoing advocacy
- transitional housing: A survivor-centered residential program lasting up to one year where residents establish goals that they believe will move them to the next step in their lives.
- support groups: Peer support groups that provide information and give participants a safe and confidential outlet to discuss past abuse and issues related to healing.
- and much more