our nurseries provide quiet space for very young children (and their grown-ups)
We understand that babies and toddlers need some quiet time or room to move around--and so do their adults. Our worship atmosphere is relaxed enough that adults are welcome to move in and out of the sanctuary during the service with their little ones as often as needed.
At both worship gatherings on Sundays, we have two nursery spaces near the sanctuary for children ages 3 and younger. The infant nursery space is just through the double doors off the sanctuary lobby on the right. It includes a changing table and crib, comfortable rocking chairs, and a private space for babies to be nursed. The toddler nursery space is directly across from the infant nursery and has age-appropriate toys and size-appropriate chairs and tables, as well as toddler-sized bathroom facilities.
Our worship gathering is live streamed to these rooms, so you can still follow what's happening in the sanctuary.
At 10:45 AM these rooms are staffed with trained adults to care for your children. These ministry volunteers have received state clearances to work with children. At the 8:15 AM service and at other times these rooms are not staffed and you must accompany your child(ren) in the nurseries.
Learn more about nursery ministries during Sunday worship gatherings--including how you might volunteer in these areas--by contacting our director of children's and youth ministries, Jeff Pilger, at 814.355.3358 or jeff.pilger@bellefontefaith.com.